Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Congress must be the power strip...

to stop the surge.

WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush will say he is deploying 20,000 more US troops in Iraq after winning Iraqi promises to be more aggressive against sectarian militias, top aides said.

A continuation of a failed policy.

In a new level of intellectual cowardice, the Administration admits the policy in Iraq has been flawed, but says it is not, you see, their fault. Oh no. It's the Iraqis that are to blame.

"What we've seen in the past is that military operations sometimes were handcuffed by political interference by Iraqi leadership. This is going to be different," top Bush adviser Dan Bartlett told CBS television.

That is excatly the sort inability to be self-critical that characterizes the Administration, and is the source of it's failure in Iraq policy.

Congress needs to step up and be a 'surge protector.'


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