Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mel Gibson

When "The Passion of the Christ" came out, a lot of people expressed some reservations about it's anti-semitism. Gibson denied it.

When arrested for drunk driving, he asks if a police officer is "a [expletive] Jew" and says the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.

Perhaps now the questions of Gibson's motivations for protrayal of "the Jews" as responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus can be put to rest. I know that Gibson's apologists have been trying to explain this occurence away. I've been reading those efforts (one of the reasons for a late post on this topic), but I'm not buying.

They say that alcohol can cause people to lower their inhibitions. Well, Gibson let his down and showed something of himself that I- and I hope those who buy movie tickets- do not care to see: bigotry.


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