Thursday, August 03, 2006

From a Reader

Hezbollah does not want peace. They openly espouse the destruction of Israel, and America. The book of Revelation reveals that God will ultimately apply the brakes.

I think it is quite clear that Hezbollah does not want peace. After a couple of days of relative calm, they sent at least 200 missiles crashing into Israel yesterday.

I don't think Israel wants peace either, at the present time. They are committed to following the same policy that is- I think falsely- accepted by the US Administration- kill all the bad guys. We fail to remember that as we kill one, another (maybe two) rises up.

As to the book of Revelation... I do not, nor can any person, know God's plan. I do not even know what Revelation means in the sense of whether it is really predictive of any specific events.

I will say I'm suspicious of the notion that God is choosing to sit back and let Lebanese and Israeli children be killed, waiting for just the right moment to apply the breaks. That's not the God I worship.

What I do think we can know is that God wants us to do our best in this world as we live- to follow the guidelines that Jesus exemplified for us.

I do not feel comfortable with waiting for God to apply the breaks. God will do what he will. We must do what we can. That is his call- his challenge- to us.


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