Friday, August 25, 2006

Continuing Rupture in the Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church continues to struggle not only with the issue of consecration of gay bishops, but also with the election of a woman to be archbishop.

Dallas Bishop James Stanton is among the leaders of seven Episcopal dioceses who have denied the authority of the incoming national Episcopal leader -- Nevada Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. The rejection is prompted partly by Jefferts Schori's support for gay relationships.

It falls just short of a complete break -- but in October, Dallas-area Episcopalians will meet to more fully consider their future in the denomination. The six other dissenting dioceses -- including the Fort Worth diocese -- are having similar internal debates.

Notice the fact that the rejection is based only partly on Schori's support for gay relationships. The other part, left unsaid... her gender.

I love this last sentence of the article:

Splitting from the national leaders would create spiritual orphans throughout the region -- including moderates and liberals who may have to leave the churches where they've worshipped for years.

Spirtual orphans. That hits the emotional disruption that is at stake here. People are going to be hurt. Is the pain necessary?

I continue to believe that a rupture is not necessary. I continue to have faith that dialogue- true dialogue with listening as well as talking- can allow us to continue to worship around the same communion table.

Perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps there simply is not enough middle ground on the moral issues over which people disagree. But I'd certainly like to see more time elapse, and more true dialogue take place, before churches and diocese begin to splinter off, creating spiritual orphans.

People of faith owe it to themselves and to their brothers and sisters in the faith to give every effort to developing understanding before moving down the path of separation. I am fearful that we are moving down that path entirely too quickly.


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