Thursday, August 03, 2006

Administration Hedges on Right to Abuse

From the NY Times:

The differences between the administration and the Senate were most pronounced when Mr. McCain asked Mr. Gonzales whether statements obtained through “illegal and inhumane treatment” should be admissible. Mr. Gonzales paused for almost a minute before responding.

“The concern that I would have about such a prohibition is, what does it mean?” he said. “How do you define it? I think if we could all reach agreement about the definition of cruel and inhumane and degrading treatment, then perhaps I could give you an answer.”

Mr. McCain, a former prisoner of war, said that using illegal and inhumane interrogation tactics and allowing the evidence to be introduced would be “a radical departure” from longstanding United States policy.

"How do you define it?" This is a ridiculous posture by the Attorney General, one which could go on to an absurd infinity. As soon as a definition is given, there will be loopholes. Put those loopholes in the definition, then there will be more. Creative (sick?) minds can always find inventive ways to coerce detainees.

The question is, is this administration going to commit itself to the US principle of human rights, or is it going to continue to play along the fringes, utilize loopholes, and continue to harm US interests by putting our soldiers at risk and adding to the recruiting call of the terrorists in the world?

Sen. McCain was a POW in Vietnam and can define "cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment" with his body. Are we going to lose the war on terror by becoming (continuing to be??) like the terrorists, like the people who abused Sen. McCain? Or are we going to prevail by leading to the moral high ground?

The Attorney General, for one, is not prepared to lead to the high ground.

Hearing the Attorney General obfuscate the issue as he did makes me shudder to think of what might be happening at GITMO and elsewhere around the world where the US holds prisoners.

We must not sacrifice the soul of America for a false sense of security.


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