Sunday, July 30, 2006


Israel has declared a 48 hour halt to bombing.

Israeli officials have said the attack which killed nearly 60 civilians, including 27 children, was a "tragic mistake."

They also say they reserve the right "to take action against targets preparing attacks against it during the 48-hour period."

Not an absolute by any means, but it does put the ball squarely in Hezbollah's court. Will Hezbollah now hold off on its rocket attacks and give peace a chance to develop?

If they fail to do this, then the outrage that people in Beruit expressed after the Israeli bombing should be turned against Hezbollah.

This is a true opportunity. We can only hope that Hezbollah will take advantage of this and bring the region back from the brink to which they have pushed it.

These may be the most important 48 hours that the Middle East has had in a long time.


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