Thursday, July 27, 2006

A Bush-supporter on Signing Statements

Conservatives and Republicans are expressing concern over signing statements- not just the (allegedly) liberal American Bar Association. Check out this post from another blog.


Before President Bush, around 600 of these 'signing statements' existed. That's 600. Theodore Roosevelt, Ulysses Grant, FDR and even Bill Clinton all used the practice - all totaled up, combined, 42 Presidents, around 600 times.George W. Bush has done it over 750 times.

Whether or not they are unconstitutional, and they might be, they are without question complete unnecessary, and this is the bad advice part.Mr. President? If you don't like a bill? Veto it. It's your right and your job. Don't hide behind wimpy legal fictions that allow you to, figuratively or otherwise, quasi-line item veto portions of legislation that you have problems with. If Congress sends you a bill you disagree with, you send it back. Period. This is how the system works.

There is no reason whatsoever that justifies the exponential increase in signing statements by President Bush.

I've hope I've not taken any of the above out of a fair context. Check the post for yourself.


1 comment:

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