Monday, June 26, 2006

Westboro Hate-Church at it Again.

The Westboro Baptist Church is planning another funeral protest. This one will be in Flint, Michigan. The funeral will be that of Lance Cpl. Brandon Webb, who was killed in Iraq on June 20.

This despicable hate-group is attempting to hide behind the first amendment in support of their mean-spirited, anti-Christian activities.

Here is the point: Just because someone has a right to do something does not mean it's the right thing to do. That is the heart of this issue. While the state can and does impose reasonable restrictions on protests/demonstrations/picketing, in general, such activities are protected by the first amendment. As a legal matter, that may be of significance regarding the laws passed by both the Michigan and national legislatures.

As a moral matter, however, the first amendment is irrelevant.

As Christians, we are called to spread love, not hate. We are called to alleviate, not cause, suffering. We are called to love all- "even the least of these"- and hate none.

If this hate group will not cease and desist, then people in the communities where they intend to protest are going to need to find ways to non-violently inhibit their activities, defending the families of those who have died so they may bury their loved ones in a way that will bring peace to all involved. Thought as to the proper method of counter-protest needs to be given so as to not add to, but instead remove, suffering from the families at this very sad time.

Hate groups must be resisted, but they must be resisted with love. That is the only way.


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