Thursday, June 29, 2006

A short peace for the Episcopal Church??

According to various news sources, including here, the halt on pushing forward gay priests for consideration for consecration as Bishops did not last long. Apparently an openly gay priest w/ a 24 year partner from California is one of four candidates for the office of Bishop of Newark.

As I said previously, I didn't think the "middle way" would hold for long.

It didn't hold even as long as I thought it might.

Conservatives have criticized the decision of the Convention as inadequate.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has begun paving the way for a division of the Anglican Communion (hoping for something short of a full divorce). More here.

Liberals are pushing a gay candidate immediately on the heels of the Convention.

The issue could not be postponed or avoided. People of conscience will have to do their best to discern what they believe God wishes them to do, and act accordingly. No doubt that discernment process will not lead all to the same decision. The Anglican Communion will either agree to disagree or split. I fear mostly the latter will take place.

Time will tell.

Apparently not much time.


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