The Huffington Post has published a copy of a Fox News memo under the headline below:
FOX NEWS INTERNAL MEMO: "Be On The Lookout For Any Statements From The Iraqi Insurgents...Thrilled At The Prospect Of A Dem Controlled Congress"...
The Pilgrim has no problem with Fox News being a partisan voice among cable news outlets. The problem is that they lie and pretend not to be exactly what they are- a Republican news outlet. Why do they feel a need to be dishonest, if what they do is appropriate? Why the pretense of objectivity? Be honest. Then there can be honor in the work.
I think that the reason for the dishonesty is that Fox is not a 'conservative' network, but a partisan one- shilling for the Republican party and selling its soul in the process. There has been commentary around since the election, and people like Rush Limbaugh have apparently admitted its truth, that many so-called conservative outlets in radio, TV, and print mediums felt they were defending Republican party policies and sacrificing their conservative principles in the process. Fox News clearly does this, and always has.
If Fox News were truly a conservative voice, driven by principle, then they would make a worthy contribution to the public debate on many issues. Because they are not, the have to publish internal memos like this one and hide their true nature.

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