Wednesday, November 08, 2006

A Choice?

I'm not going to have much to say about the Ted Haggard case. First and foremost, I feel terrible for his wife and children- the scrutiny that has been placed upon their family must make an incredibly painful situation virtually unbearable. Beyond that, I have no desire to heap ill-will on him as many seem to want to do at this point.

I'd like to use the case, however, to deal with a broader point.

Much of the debate in America regarding the morality of homosexual behavior comes from an argument over whether homosexuality is a choice. Many seem to believe that gays can be somehow 'straightened out.' [Pun fully intended.]

Isn't Haggard really the final nail in the coffin of that argument? If anyone would have chosen not to be gay, wouldn't it have been Haggard?

Perhaps by putting the 'it's merely a choice' argument aside, we can lift our discussion to new levels. Levels reflecting a call to 'love our neighbor'- whomever he or she might be.


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