Sunday, October 29, 2006

Just War and Iraq, An Introduction

Just War Theory is a long-standing concept in the Christian tradition designed to try and understand, morally, when it is appropriate to use mechanisms of war. There are some Christians who argue that there is no such thing as a "just" war, and reject this tradition. It appears as if most Christians in the modern world would accept the propriety of war under some circumstances. The question is, under what circumstances.

My plan, over the next several days, is to go point by point through Just War theory and apply that theory to the US invasion in Iraq.

My reason? I believe that I and others have too often gotten lost in tactical or strategic thinking, and moved too far away from moral thinking about the war. It is morality that matters above all else. If the morality of the decision was wrong, then there are no strategies that can make it right.

I believe our failure to focus on the morality of the decision to go to war in Iraq has been a great failing for our nation, and a consequence of this great failure has been other moral failures- such as the American acquiesence in the torture of detainees.

Only by focusing our minds and hearts squarely on the supreme moral issues can we hope to begin to swing ourselves around and move in the right direction.

Tomorrow I'll take on the first aspect of Just War Theory as it applies to the war in Iraq: A just war must be declared by a legitmate authority.


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