Friday, September 29, 2006

Left Incredulous by the Hypocrisy

Al Qaeda No. 2: Bush a liar, 'spiller of Muslim blood'

Thursday in Iraq there were 60 bodies found on the streets of Baghdad. They were all tortured and executed because of the Islamic group (Sunni or Shia) that they belonged to. None of them were killed by Bush or the troops under his command.

CNN reported yesterday that the leading cause of death in Baghdad is execution-style murder. These are Muslims killing other Muslims.

As a point of fact, the raging sectarian violence in Iraq was intentionally started by the then-leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, al-Zarqawi.

President Bush has received criticism- here and elsewhere- for his failed policy in Iraq, and the death and danger it has caused. He has deserved that criticism and more.

That said, the Muslim world needs to show the same sort of outrage (w/o the violence) against the slaughter of Muslims by other Muslims that they save for cartoons of the Prophet or comments by the Pope.

If I thought that Ayman al-Zawahiri's comments didn't play in the Muslim world, I wouldn't even make note of them. They do, however. People- too many- do listen to such radical nonsense and do accept it as true.

The Bush Administration has blood on it's hands because of it's Iraq invasion. No question.

But Al-Qaeda is covered from head to toe in blood for what it has done in Iraq and elsewhere that has caused the death of Muslims. No question.


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