Sunday, September 24, 2006

Been away

Been away on a camp out with my son's scout troop. The Grey Pilgrim doesn't like sleeping on the ground much, and likes it less in the rain, but a good time was had by all.

I've been away from TV and internet connections, so I'm out of touch with the news. I don't know what's going on with the 'deal' over treatment/trial of detainees, the Pope's meeting with Muslim envoys, or anything else.

But, that's a good thing, once in a while. Henry David Thoreau wrote once how we- and here he seems to have been looking forward in time to me- focus to much on the 'news' and not enough on the life immediately in front of us. It's easy to lose balance. A little time in a tent for me- like a little time in a cabin on Walden Pond for Thoreau- perhaps restores the balance.

So, I'll savor that, and save the headlines for tomorrow.


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