Saturday, December 02, 2006

Hate Church still at it

From CNN:

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas, planned to demonstrate at National Guard Cpl. Nathan Goodiron's funeral on Saturday at the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation.

Church members say the deaths of soldiers are punishment from God for the country's tolerance of homosexuals.

Tribal leaders passed a resolution Friday that prohibits the group from protesting on the reservation, said Marcus Wells Jr., chairman of the Three Affiliated Tribes.

"We will not tolerate any harassment that is intended to provoke ill feelings and violence," he said.

Shirley Phelps-Roper, daughter of the Rev. Fred Phelps Sr., pastor of Westboro Baptist, said her group planned to protest outside the reservation "on public rights of way."

I certainly wish there was a way- consistent with US freedoms- to stop this group. It does not appear to be so.

This 'church' twists Christianity in much the same way that Islamist groups will twist Islam.

It is sad to see a religion of love turn into a vehicle of hate.


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